
공식문서 AOS/iOS 에뮬레이터 설치

error Failed to install the app

error Failed to install the app. Make sure you have an Android emulator running or a > device connected. Run CLI with –verbose flag for more details.

  1. bash chmod 755 android/gradlew 실행
  2. emulator -list-avds 리스트 뜨는지 확인
  3. ~/.bash_profile 또는 ~/.zshrc 에 path 정상 등록되어있는지 확인

Task :app:stripDebugDebugSymbols UP-TO-DATE Compatible side by side NDK version was not found.

Task :app:installDebug FAILED

Android Studio -> Configure -> SDK Manager -> SDK Tools -> NDK 설치

Failed to run jetifier

yarn add -D jetifier
npx jetify
npx react-native run-android


react-native run-android --no-jetifier
이런 글은 어떠신가요?